Quartet of People

via Daily Prompt: Quartet

Family, Friends,

Strangers, Acquaintances;

The four set to describe

The people you meet all your life.

But is that truly enough

To put them into a block of words?

To dub them like they have no depth

Like they’re just some collective nouns

There’s a different tone behind the words

For dissimilar individuals,

Because their thoughts are distinctive, diverse

And they don’t match with everyone else:

The biggest is always the Stranger set

The mind often forgets, but sub-conscious brings them back.

More so with Acquaintances,

“Did you know who came in my dream last night?

Jenny, the girl who had the pink helmet!”

 But the mind addles more on the former two,

The ones who guide you through ideas, paths,

Choices, decisions and latter halves.

But no, infinity would not be enough

 To tell you what I think about these four

All I can say is its never close, but not too remote.

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